Choose a Membership that Works for You


We offer you various membership plans because we want you to be fully satisfied regardless of what brought you to our site. If you are hesitant, we advise you to take the sample lesson of the course of your choice before adhering to a more comprehensive membership.

What You Get with Your Membership

You are a serious and committed student of the behavioral and life sciences if you created an account on this page. Therefore, we wish to give you all the benefits you deserve, including a personal and customized service. In addition to the benefits listed below, you will always be able to reach Professor Abrantes for an academic question or our webmaster for technical support.

Interactive Courses

High quality online courses at postgraduate level supported by illustrations and videos with interactive quizzes.

Video Tutorials

All courses include several video lessons illustrating the discussed topics and providing further explanations.

Quizzes and Tests

For each lesson of a course, you’ll have knowledge reviews to test your knowledge. A courses complete with a final exam and a certificate.

New Monthly Content

You’ll receive new material every month: an article, a video, or an update—or all. Expect ten new articles and ten new videos yearly.

Push Notifications

If you choose so—by clicking the bell on the right bottom side of this page—you’ll receive push notifications of any new article, video or update.

Your Personal Page

When you create an account, you get your own personal page listing all courses to which you have access, your progress, and your earned certificates. 

Become an Expert

Each of our premium courses provides you with a trustworthy, in-depth overview of the subject at hand and a comprehensive list of references for future research. Whether you’ll become an expert on the topic depends on how you define expertise. Still, we guarantee you that you’ll be able to hold your ground in any discussion on the subject after taking one of our premium courses.


Do you have a question we do not cover in these FAQs? Click “contact us” at the bottom of this page.

How does the free course work?

Create an account, then go to the courses page and click on “Evolution.” You’ll get immediate access to the course, and regardless of it being free, you’ll still earn your certificate once you complete it.

How often do you release new content?

At least ten articles and ten videos a year besides updates to courses and lessons.

Do you offer video meetings?

Yes, we do. Please see one-on-one meetings where you can meet Professor Abrantes and ask any question you like or discuss any topic of your choice within his field of expertise.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Your subscription, regardless of type, expires at a set date. At the end of the period, you can choose to terminate it or extend it.

What age groups and knowledge level do you support?

Age is no problem. Professor Abrantes has taught students form all over the world, of all ages and backgrounds. Only one thing matters: your level of commitment. If you want to learn, expand your knowledge, you’ll make it. Language is no barrier either. Professor Abrantes speaks English, French, Portuguese, Spain, and Danish fluently.

What if I get stuck on a lesson?

You pose your question and no other than Professor Abrantes will come to rescue you.

Sample Lessons

We invite you to take the sample lesson included in all courses before you enroll. Knowledge reviews and tests are turned on for the sample lessons, but keep in mind that your scores won’t be saved until you’ve signed up for the course and logged in.

Premium Courses

After taking a sample lesson, if you like how we present the topics and find it beneficial for your own development, personal and professional, please take a look at our premium postgraduate level courses.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or create an account
